Samsung Monitor
Clarify Samsungs B2B monitor divisions strategy and sales assets.
/ Campaign
/ Messaging
/ Animation
/ Social Campaign
/ Online Banners

Samsung have a vast range of business monitors and for a customer it can often become confusing choosing the right monitor for their business.
Our task was to create a suit of sales collateral that offered easy navigation and clearly communicated the top level features of the monitors making it easier for a sales guy to guide and advise his customer.

While it was important to get across the spec of each monitor it was equally important to leverage Samsungs brand equity and lack this through the comms along with instilling this within the sales teams narrative to their customers.
The messaging “For life. For Work” takes the B2C spirit of Samsung being short and punchy but also showcases how the products that people know and love in their personal lives can translate through into an entire business ecosystem of connected high quality tech.

Our strategic insight really helped to segment the approach to selling B2B monitors. We applied our thinking back to bigger Samsung value proposition and identified keyways to deliver stand out in a crowded market place.

The range of comms for this campaign was extensive. From internal sales PowerPoints that feature navigation allowing the Sales team to jump around based on how the pitch was going. There were battle cards, 2 pager spec sheets, catalogues, social assets, display and email, all with the connected theme running through.